On the comedown of ||||||| tea and a rough day
Feeling gassed
Used up and needing to be accessible in case need comes up again
Ok for me but not for thee
But all the goo goo bs is all about being a martyr
How can you be the villain if you're always discovering a sword in your side
Communicating a need? Oh better have a bigger and opposing one
Round and round and round and round and around haven't you heard it is a battle of words?
Most will die
Who will the other be
All we need is someone to point at
Some trauma
Some bully
Anyone will do
just don't tell us their story too
I wish this keyboard could pull the thoughts straight down and out of my brain. It can't be helped if theres a lot of it about
Out of the way
What is the price
What is one man die
A perfect kingdom I sit upon
My plants a plenty
My pets close by
Shoes for each purpose
A teller of success
But what about when tiny failure reigns
This point missed
That sad complaint of a pup
A need shared
a need not met
All cause for upheaval and complete death?
Reason to quit and confirm it is broken beyond repair/
How do you reason with a mind
decidedly pitted against itself
It knows each trick. It knows the paths to health
It reasons away
Cannot the little slip ups fade?
Not here
Not under the tyranny of the storm
What clears a storm
The lunatic is on the grass
Remembering games and days of change and laughs
Got to. Keep the lunars on his path
The lunatic is in the hall
The lunatics are in my halls
The paper holds their folded faces to the floor
And everyday the paperboy brings more
And if the damn breaks open many years too soon
And if theres no room upon the hill
The lunatic is in my head
You raise the blade
You make the change
You rearrange me until im sane
You lock the door
Throw away the key
Theres someone in my head but it's not me
If the cloud bursts thunder in your ear
You shout and no one seems to hear
If the band you're in starts playing different tunes
I'll see you on the dark side of the moon
Let's start again
With unclear intentions you receive unclear determinations
If you want to seek change or enlightenment...be deliberate.
Something from the [Bhagavad Gita] comes to mind
Before enlightenment: chop wood, carry water.
After enlightenment: chop wood, carry water."
By small and simple things great things come to pass. It really is a good guiding principle, despite not having good associations from its progenitors.
How do I exist within myself while still supporting those I love?
How do I create a |self| who is regardless of how I am defined in relation to others?
How do I heal my own attachment wounds?
How do I coexist comfortably with my love?
How do I support his ongoing struggles without losing myself? That line is proving to be the most elusive out of all that I am attempting to capture.
Who, and what, is a Melody when placed in a vacuum?
Is she a woman?
She is not a man.
could she be somewhere between?
This feels like it should be baseline/straightforward to my brain. Ugh, did not expect to trip on the first step.
Melody is a creature who is curious
Who is compassionate
Is passionate
Melody feels value in
Shared struggle or suffer
Melody experiences love when
What does love feel like?
A wholeness shared with another
A commingling of spirits experiencing joy together
How do I move past my outdated hurts at reactions or interactions?